2022年11月2日 星期三

得勝祈禱文 (2)

 得勝祈禱文 (2)

Bible Promises :

 Isa 54:14

You will be secure under a government that is just and fair. Your enemies will stay far away. You will live in peace, and terror will not come near.


你必因公義得以堅立;你必遠離欺壓,你必無所懼怕;你也必遠離驚嚇,因為驚嚇必不會臨近你。(以賽亞書54:14 聖經新譯本)

Praying with His Promises  :

In the name of Jesus,

_______ are established in righteousness, and oppression is far from them



_______ 建立在公義之上,叫壓迫懼怕驚嚇遠離__________

