2022年11月6日 星期日



Bible Promises

1 john 4:4

But you belong to God, my dear children. You have already won a victory over those people, because the Spirit who lives in you is greater than the spirit who lives in the world.


孩子們,你們是屬於 神的,並且已經勝過他們,因為那在你們裡面的比那在世上的更大 (約翰一書4:4 聖經新譯本)

Praying with His Promises  :

 _______ overcome all because greater is HE that is in _________ than satan that is in the world

在世界上 _______ 能夠戰勝一切,因為有祂 (上帝) ____________裡面,祂是偉大的神遠超過撒旦

